Designed by one of India’s most-followed designers and Indian fashion virtuoso, Sabyasachi (Mukherjee) the sari reportedly required a staggering 1,905 man-hours and the expertise of 163 artisans to create. In her chit-chat with Vogue hosts, Alia unveiled details of the on-theme garment, accentuated by intricate floral embroidery cascading along the pallu, perfectly aligned with this year’s theme, ‘The Garden of Time.’ Completing her look, Alia opted for a chic messy bun updo, adding an extra layer of elegance to her ensemble. Anticipation mounts as we eagerly await the grand reveal of her outfit!
At the Met Gala, Alia Bhatt graced the green carpet with an ethereal presence, seamlessly merging contemporary chic with timeless elegance. Radiating poise and sophistication, she captivates onlookers with her meticulously curated ensemble, embodying the gala’s theme with a unique interpretation that effortlessly transcends boundaries. Whether adorned in a statement-making creation by Sabyasachi, Alia’s presence at the Met Gala epitomizes her status as a global style icon, leaving an indelible mark on the world of fashion with her unparalleled charm and grace.
Bollywood stars have elevated the sari to a global fashion stage, seamlessly blending traditional elegance with contemporary flair. Through their international appearances at prestigious events like the Cannes Film Festival, Met Gala, and various fashion weeks, Bollywood luminaries have showcased the versatility and timeless appeal of the sari to a worldwide audience. Whether it’s Priyanka Chopra’s bold sari-gown fusion, Deepika Padukone’s regal silk drapes, or Sonam Kapoor’s avant-garde interpretations, these style icons have redefined the boundaries of sari fashion, sparking trends and garnering admiration from fashion enthusiasts around the globe. With their impeccable sense of style and penchant for experimentation, Bollywood stars continue to champion the sari as a symbol of cultural pride and sophistication on the international fashion scene.
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