“Khata-Khat badh gayi mehengai (Inflation has increased exponentially)!” reacted Union minister of petroleum and natural gas Hardeep Singh Puri.“After not fulfilling the promises of transferring Rs 8500/month to a woman of each family, Congress ruled Karnataka government has saddled the people of Karnataka with the burden of paying Rs 3/litre more for petrol and diesel in the state,” the BJP leader wrote on X.
“After this decision, people of Karnataka would be forced to pay higher amounts for food items, clothing, medicines and all items of basic necessities as fuel prices directly impact prices of all goods. Such a decision just after elections have been concluded, exposes the hypocrisy of the Congress which talks about mehengai but levies approximately Rs 8litre-Rs 12/litre additional VAT in comparison with BJP ruled states,” he added.
Puri said that Karnataka petrol prices are now Rs 8.21 per litre more expensive compared to BJP-ruled states Uttar Pradesh and Gujarat. Comparing Karnataka with BJP-ruled Arunachal Pradesh, Puri said petrol costs over Rs 12 per litre less while diesel is Rs 8.59 per litre cheaper in Arunachal.
“During the last three years of global energy turmoil, the NDA government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi Ji deftly diversified India’s crude oil purchases to ensure that petrol prices actually decreased by about 14% and diesel prices fell by nearly 11% during November 2021 -May 2024 period. During the same period, US saw petrol prices soar 29%, while neighbours Pakistan and Sri Lanka faced severe financial stress due to spike in global crude prices,” Puri wrote.
Puri said that while the world was facing fuel price surge due to a war in Europe, India remained the only country during that period where petrol and diesel prices went down. “To maintain availability and affordability of transport fuels, Modi government made substantial and timely cut in excise duty in November 2021 and followed it up with another cut in May 2022. The Central govt reduced petrol and diesel prices by Rs5 per litre and Rs10 per litre, respectively, in November 2021. Following up in May 2022, petrol and diesel prices were further cut by ₹8 per litre and ₹6 per litre, respectively. Again on March 14 this year, the OMCs played a vital role in reducing prices further by Rs 2/litre.”
“The BJP-run state governments aligned with the pro-people policies and reduced sales tax on transport fuels to further cut rates for the public and rein in inflationary pressures. For instance, petrol prices in Congress-ruled Telangana is Rs 12.76/litre higher than in UP. The difference in diesels prices between these two states is also significant at Rs 7.89/litre. Similarly, the petrol prices are Rs 9.29/ litre higher in Trinamool Congress-run West Bengal compared with BJP-run Gujarat,” he added.
CM Siddaramaiah defends hike in petrol and diesel prices
Karnataka chief minister Siddaramaiah stood behind the decision to raise petrol and diesel prices, explaining that the increase will fund essential public services and development projects.
“The Government of Karnataka has increased VAT on petrol to 29.84 per cent and on diesel to 18.44 per cent. Even after this hike, our state’s taxes on fuel remain lower than most South Indian states and similar economy-sized states like Maharashtra,” the CM said in a statement.
“Karnataka’s VAT adjustment ensures we can fund essential public services and development projects. The state remains committed to balanced and responsible governance,” Siddaramaiah emphasised.
Siddaramaiah pointed out that despite the VAT hike, diesel prices in Karnataka are still lower than in Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh. “We remain committed to keeping fuel prices reasonable for our citizens,” he added.
BJP to stage protests across Karnataka against fuel price hike
Karnataka leader of opposition and BJP leader R Ashoka announced that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) will organise a protest on Monday against the state government’s hike in fuel prices. The demonstration will involve bullock carts and bikes stationed in front of the Vidhana Soudha.
R Ashoka stated, “We are against the increase in petrol and diesel prices by the state Congress government. Tomorrow, we are going to protest at Freedom Park in Bangalore at 11:30 am. This protest will be led by BJP State President BY Vijayendra and myself. We are going to protest against the Congress government across the state. The Congress government has increased the price of petrol and diesel because people did not vote for the Congress party in this Lok Sabha election.”
Ashoka, along with BJP MLC Chalavadi Narayanaswamy, unveiled a poster pointing out that Congress leaders had previously protested fuel price hikes under the prior state government. “Previously, Siddaramaiah protested during the price hike during our government,” R Ashoka said.
Siddaramaiah’s video byte was also released by R Ashoka in which he said that if he comes to power, he will reduce the price of petrol.
R Ashoka further said, “Siddaramaiah is an outgoing CM. He will not hesitate to sell the Vidhan Sabha while leaving the post of CM. Congress has given misfortunes in the last one year after coming to power. The people of Karnataka are being oppressed. He increased the price of milk and stamp duty. Electricity tax and house tax have been increased. Petrol prices increased by Rs 3, diesel prices increased by Rs 3.50.”