As per a Wall Street Journal report, the outage forced low-cost airline Frontier to cancel some flights in the US.“Our systems are currently impacted by a Microsoft outage, which is also affecting other companies. We appreciate your patience,” the WSJ report quotes Frontier saying in a statement.
What is Microsoft doing about the issue
Current status on Microsoft service status website: We remain committed in treating this event with the highest priority and urgency while we continue to address the lingering impact for the remaining Microsoft 365 apps that are in a degraded state.
In a post on X, Microsoft 365 Status wrote that the company is “investigating an issue impacting users ability to access various Microsoft 365 apps and services”. “We’re working on rerouting the impacted traffic to alternate systems to alleviate impact in a more expedient fashion,” it said in another post adding “We remain focused on redirecting the impacted traffic to healthy systems”.
What X users are saying
“Windows Crashed…! It seems everyone around the globe facing this issue.. wahhhh please don’t resolve. Take ur own time @Microsoft,” wrote one user.
“Windows down. P1 everywhere. There goes my weekend,” said another.
“Did anyone else’s #Windows11 laptop suddenly encounter a #BSOD and crash? Happened for me and a lot of my colleagues!,” wrote a third
Why are you seeing blue screen errors on your Windows laptop
Reportedly, the issue is occurring after installing a Crowdstrike update. For those unaware, Crowdstrike is a cybersecurity company that offers a cloud-based platform for security.
“Crowdstrike customers that are using windows are experiencing blue screens this morning. The issue is in the Falcon sensor and was introduced by an update over night. Crowdstrike is aware of it and working on it,” wrote a user on X.
“Crowdstrike falcon is causing windows blue screen of death – issue across aws and azure,” a second user posted on X.
“If you’re getting a blue screen issue on your windows 10 PC. And stuck on a restart loop,
don’t worry. You’re not alone. Worldwide issue apparently due to some CrowdStrike update,” another user wrote.