NEW DELHI: The Union government announced a significant reshuffle of top-level bureaucrats on Friday. As part of this reshuffle, Punya Salila Srivastava, currently serving as special secretary in the Prime Minister’s Office, has been appointed as the new Health Secretary. Initially, she will assume the role of Officer on Special Duty (OSD) in the Department of Health and Family Welfare.”She will take over as the health secretary after incumbent Apurva Chandra superannuates on September 30,” according to a Personnel Ministry order.
Rajesh Kumar Singh, currently serving as secretary for the department for promotion of industry and internal trade, has been appointed as the new defence secretary. He will initially take on the role of OSD in the ministry before succeeding the current defence secretary, Aramane Giridhar, who is set to retire on October 31, 2024.
Katikithala Srinivas, the current minority affairs secretary, will be the next housing and urban affairs secretary.
Additionally, senior bureaucrat Deepti Umashankar has been appointed as the new secretary to the President of India.
Vivek Joshi, the current financial services secretary, will take over as the secretary of the department of personnel and training (DoPT). Senior IAS officer Nagaraju Maddirala, currently serving as additional secretary in the coal ministry, will replace Joshi as the new financial services Secretary.
Manoj Govil, an IAS officer who previously served as secretary in the ministry of corporate affairs, has been appointed to a new role as Secretary, department of expenditure, ministry of finance.
In another appointment, Vandana Gurnani, an IAS officer currently serving in her cadre, has been assigned the position of secretary (coordination) in the Cabinet secretariat.Chandra Sekhar Kumar, who has been serving as special secretary in the ministry of panchayati raj, will now take on the role of secretary, ministry of minority affairs. He will be succeeding Katikithala Srinivas in this position.
Neelam Shammi Rao, an IAS officer currently serving as the Central Provident Fund Commissioner, has been appointed as Secretary, national commission for minorities, ministry of minority affairs.
Rajesh Kumar Singh, currently serving as secretary for the department for promotion of industry and internal trade, has been appointed as the new defence secretary. He will initially take on the role of OSD in the ministry before succeeding the current defence secretary, Aramane Giridhar, who is set to retire on October 31, 2024.
Katikithala Srinivas, the current minority affairs secretary, will be the next housing and urban affairs secretary.
Additionally, senior bureaucrat Deepti Umashankar has been appointed as the new secretary to the President of India.
Vivek Joshi, the current financial services secretary, will take over as the secretary of the department of personnel and training (DoPT). Senior IAS officer Nagaraju Maddirala, currently serving as additional secretary in the coal ministry, will replace Joshi as the new financial services Secretary.
Manoj Govil, an IAS officer who previously served as secretary in the ministry of corporate affairs, has been appointed to a new role as Secretary, department of expenditure, ministry of finance.
In another appointment, Vandana Gurnani, an IAS officer currently serving in her cadre, has been assigned the position of secretary (coordination) in the Cabinet secretariat.Chandra Sekhar Kumar, who has been serving as special secretary in the ministry of panchayati raj, will now take on the role of secretary, ministry of minority affairs. He will be succeeding Katikithala Srinivas in this position.
Neelam Shammi Rao, an IAS officer currently serving as the Central Provident Fund Commissioner, has been appointed as Secretary, national commission for minorities, ministry of minority affairs.