How Anand Mahindra praised Shaktikanta Das
Mahindra shared a post on X (formerly known as Twitter) praising the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Governor Shaktikanta Das.“His parents named him well. He’s shown his mettle—his Shakti—to the world…Our Gold medal winner in the Central Bank Olympics…”, reads the post.
The Reserve Bank of India announced that Governor Shaktikanta Das has been awarded an “A+” rating in the Global Finance Central Banker Report Cards 2024, marking the second consecutive year he has received this distinction.
“Happy to announce that for the 2nd consecutive year, RBI Governor
@DasShaktikanta has been rated “A+”, in the Global Finance Central Banker Report Cards 2024,” posted RBI on X.
According to the Global Finance Central Banker Report Cards 2024, the central bankers who earned an A+ grade are:
- Denmark: Christian Kettel Thomsen
- India: Shaktikanta Das
- Switzerland: Thomas Jordan
How the users reacted to the post
Agreeing with Mahindra, X users also appreciated Das for his policies. Here are some of the user reactions:
“RBI Governor has surprised the world with his rock-solid policies despite huge challenges like Covid and later on inflation.”
“Congratulations on your incredible achievement! Your strength, determination, and skill have truly shone through. You’ve made us all proud. Well done, champion!”
“His name and his achievements shine brightly—congratulations on the gold medal!”
“Our gold medal winner in the Central Bank Olympics is our Reserve Bank Governor, Shaktikanta Das, IAS. Congratulations, Sir. Your tenure has been a blessing to us.”