Referring to the latest Badlapur sexual assault, the Congress leader on Wednesday called for prompt justice to the victim and wondered why a FIR registration was delayed until the public had to hit the streets demanding justice.In the Badlapur sexual assault case, the cops had registered the FIR 12 hours after the victim’s family filed a complaint.
“After West Bengal, UP, Bihar, the shameful crimes against daughters in Maharashtra also force us to think where are we heading as a society? After the crime against two innocent people in Badlapur, the first step to give them justice was not taken until the public came out on the streets demanding justice,” he wrote on X.
“Why has it become so difficult for victims to even go to the police station?,” he asked.
The Congress leader hit out at the police action and claimed the “delay” in FIR procedures to “discourage” the victim and adversely “encourage” the culprit. He also added that efforts are being made to “hide crime” than providing justice to the victims, who he said are mostly women and people from deprived sections of the country.
“More efforts are made to hide crime than to provide justice, the biggest victims of which are women and people of weaker sections.”
The LoP also called all governments and parties to rise above politics and act in the interest of providing a safe environment for general public and women.
“All governments, citizens and political parties will have to seriously brainstorm on what steps should be taken to provide a safe environment to women in the society”.
The LoP also added that every citizen in India is entitled to justice and is not contingent on the will of the “police and administration” .
After two nursery students, four-year-old girls, were sexually abused by the sweeper of a reputed school in Thane district, protests have erupted in Maharashtra calling for justice to the victim.