Scammers are reportedly exploiting the rising trend of digital wedding invitations on WhatsApp. Himachal Pradesh Police officials have warned that scammers are using these digital wedding invitations that are shared on WhatsApp to spread malware and compromise personal data. Scammers are reportedly sending malicious APK files disguised as wedding invitations via WhatsApp.
Downloading these files can infect phones with malware and grant hackers full access to the device. This allows them to send messages, steal personal information, and even extort money from the victim’s phone without their knowledge. As the wedding season peaks and digital invitations become more common, users are urged to exercise caution and avoid downloading suspicious files, even if they appear to be from trusted contacts.
How scammers are using digital wedding invites on WhatsApp to target users
According to a report by News18, this new WhatsApp scam scam uses fake wedding invitations to trick users into downloading malware. The scam involves receiving a message from an unknown number with an attached APK file disguised as a wedding invitation.
Once downloaded, the malicious file installs an app that grants cybercriminals access to the victim’s data, allowing them to monitor activities and even hijack the phone’s functions. In some cases, scammers use the compromised device to impersonate the victim and send messages to their contacts requesting money or sensitive information. This can result in significant financial losses and reputational damage.
HP Police’s warning against these scams
Following a rise in cybercrime related to malicious files spread via WhatsApp, the Himachal Pradesh Cyber Police are urging citizens to be wary of messages from unknown numbers, particularly those containing attachments, the report adds. They have advised users against downloading any files from unfamiliar sources, especially APK files, which are often used to install malware.
In a statement to News18, DIG Mohit Chawla, Himachal Pradesh State CID and Cyber Crime Department said: “If you receive an unsolicited wedding invitation or any file from an unknown number, do not click on it. Ensure you verify the sender and the file before downloading anything onto your phone.”
While downloading files from trusted contacts is generally considered safe, the Himachal Pradesh Cyber Police also emphasised the importance of verifying the legitimacy of any file received, especially if it seems unusual or unexpected.