Rishab Shetty starrer ‘Kantara: Chapter 1’, the prequel to ‘Kantara’ is under production, and the film started rolling a few days back. Meanwhile, a report of an accident faced by the ‘Kantara’ team has hit the internet, and it started to spread like wildfire. However a source close to the production house has claimed that such reports are nothing but fake news.”The news making rounds is completely false. The Kantara: Chapter 1 team began shooting at 6 AM today, and everything is proceeding as normal. A minor accident occurred 20 kilometers away from the shooting location, involving a local bus carrying some members of the Kantara team. However, no injuries were reported.”
This clarification comes amidst rumors suggesting a major disruption on set, which the team firmly denied. The production remains committed to maintaining a smooth schedule and ensuring the safety of everyone involved, reassuring fans that the film’s progress is on track.
Directed by Rishab Shetty, ‘Kantara: Chapter 1’ is a Kannada action-drama set in a village with rich folklore, focusing on land disputes and spirituality. The film stars the director-actor Rishab Shetty as Kaadubettu Shiva, with Sapthami Gowda, Kishore Kumar, and Achyuth Kumar in pivotal roles. The film’s music by B. Ajaneesh Loknath and cinematography by Arvind Kashyap enhanced its appeal.
‘Kantara’ became a massive success, praised for its performances and cultural authenticity, while Rishab Shetty bagged his first-ever National Award for his brilliant performance. The film’s success has paved the way for the prequel to explore deeper themes, and the film is slated to hit the big screens in October 2025.