After being stabbed multiple times during a robbery attempt at his Bandra home, Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan underwent surgery and has been discharged from Lilavati Hospital on January 21, 2025. His wife, Kareena Kapoor Khan, was seen at the hospital, reportedly to accompany him during his discharge.
Today, Kareena was seen arriving at hospital, accompanied by security and police personnel, as her husband Saif was set to be discharged. Earlier reports indicated that his discharge papers were submitted on the night of January 20, following his recovery from a stabbing incident.
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Doctors have reported that Khan’s condition is stable, and he is expected to be discharged later today. However, they have recommended that he rest and take it easy for the next few days to ensure a complete recovery. Emergency surgery was performed to prevent spinal fluid leakage and to remove a knife fragment lodged in his back. The hospital subsequently released a photo of the 3-inch-long sharp object, which was identified as a piece of the knife.
On January 16, 2025, Saif was stabbed six times by a burglar during a robbery attempt at his Bandra home while he was trying to protect his family. Two of the injuries were serious as they were near his spine. The incident occurred around 2:15 AM when the house help was first attacked by the intruder, followed by Saif being stabbed as he intervened. The suspect, Mohammed Shehzad, was later apprehended by the Mumbai police in Thane. He was identified as a Bangladeshi national who had entered India illegally and was a former national-level wrestling champion in Bangladesh.