Mumbai police suspect more individuals may be involved in the stabbing of actor Saif Ali Khan, an official revealed on Saturday. This development comes after the arrest of Shariful Islam Shehzad Mohammad Rohilla Amin Fakir, alias Vijay Das, a 30-year-old Bangladeshi national, in connection with the attack.
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The stabbing incident occurred on January 16 at Khan’s Bandra residence, where the accused reportedly demanded Rs 1 crore, attacked a nanny, and stabbed the actor multiple times before fleeing. The actor, 54, underwent emergency surgery at Lilavati Hospital following the assault.
Police have cited the possibility of additional suspects in their remand application to extend Shariful’s custody, which a court granted until January 29. Authorities allege that Shariful has been uncooperative, refusing to disclose where he acquired the weapon used in the crime.
Blood samples and clothing from Khan, his staff, and the accused have been sent to the Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL) to determine if the blood on Shariful’s clothing matches Khan’s. Police have confirmed that fingerprints collected from Khan’s apartment match those of the accused.
Khan provided his statement to the police on Friday, recounting the events leading to the stabbing. Investigations continue as authorities examine evidence and seek to identify potential accomplices.