On Saturday evening Indian designer Sabyasachi Mukherjee celebrated 25 years of being in the fashion industry with a grand fashion show that unfolded at the Jio Convention Centre. His return to the runway was a masterful amalgamation of the designer’s signature aesthetics: nostalgia-tinged elegance, unapologetic maximalism, and a deep reverence for India’s rich cultural heritage.
The venue was transformed into a nostalgic ode to old Kolkata, with Sabyasachi’s signature Bengal tiger motifs artfully placed, and a variety of ceramics décor blending heritage with modern Indian flair.
On the ramp, a beautiful set was erected which was a replica of the old Calcutta neighborhood. A majestic water fountain, reminiscent of the iconic Victoria Memorial, took center stage, its grandeur elevated by a thoughtful twist: the traditional lion sculptures that typically flank these fountains were replaced by the Bengal tigers, a tribute to Sabyasachi’s hometown, Kolkata.
Styled in a stunning monochromatic look, Deepika Padukone opened the show. 90s supermodel Christy Turlington was the showstopper, wearing a striking ensemble that won a lot of applause. The stunning and extravagant show stood out – unlike most Indian fashion shows, this one stayed away from the quintessential Bollywood drama and glam on the ramp, instead put the spotlight on models and supermodels flaunting Sabyasachi’s exquisite designs on the ramp.
The show was attended by 600 guests including movie stars, editors of international magazines, high-profile industrialists, and entrepreneurs like Ananya Birla, who was seen enthusiastically clicking pictures of the show. American internet fashion personality Linda Fargo was one of Sabyasachi’s elite guests.
British fashion writer Suzy Menkes, who was also at the event praised Sabyasachi’s collection and called it “courageous” and “fresh.” Sabyasachi’s milestone celebration is a testament to his enduring influence on the Indian luxury and fashion world.