Akshay Kumar and Veer Pahariya’s action-drama Sky Force has maintained a steady grip over the domestic box office, crossing the Rs 80 crore mark within six days of its release. Going by the box office numbers, the film’s weekday collections seemed to have slowed down, making it unlikely to reach the Rs 100 crore milestone within its first week.
The film debuted with a promising Rs 12.15 crore on its first day. The weekend saw a significant boost, with collections nearly doubling to Rs 22 crore on Saturday and hitting a high with a Rs 28 crore collection on Sunday. This brought the three-day total to an estimated Rs 62.25 crore net.
However, the film’s weekday earnings have remained rather modest, averaging between Rs 5-7 crore per day. By the end of its sixth day, Sky Force has amassed an estimated Rs 80.75 crore at the domestic box office.
Should Sky Force manage to breach the Rs 100 crore mark, it will become the first Bollywood film of 2025 to achieve this feat. While Sky Force continues to draw audiences, it faces added competition from Shahid Kapoor’s high-octane action film Deva, which is set to release on Friday, January 31. With Deva expected to make a strong debut, Sky Force may see a decline in footfalls, potentially impacting its long-term box office prospects.
With its current trajectory and the impending competition, it remains to be seen whether the film can sustain its momentum and reach the coveted milestone by its second weekend at the box office.
Meanwhile, according to the film’s production banner, the film has likely surpassed the Rs 100 crore milestone with its gross collections at the worldwide box office.
Set during the 1965 India-Pakistan War, the film directed by Sandeep Kewlani and Abhishek Kapur also stars Nimrat Kaur and Sara Ali Khan.