: Arun Govil, BJP candidate for Meerut-Hapur Lok Sabha seat, which went to the polls on Friday, caused a stir on Sunday with a cryptic post on his official social media handle, sparking political speculations. The post emerged a day after Govil left for Mumbai. In fact, his sudden departure from Meerut had also drawn the attention of locals.
Govil’s now-deleted post on X read, “When someone’s duplicity comes to light, it invokes more anger towards oneself, realising how we trusted such an individual with closed eyes.Jai Shri Ram.” Following the post, speculations were rife that he may not be content with a senior functionary in BJP.
However, after the post circulated widely, Govil deleted it and posted a new comment: “I am in Mumbai for some work at the party’s behest. The voters in Meerut-Hapur LS seat have shown so much love and respect to me. BJP is also planning to field me in some other constituencies for campaigning, following which I shall return to Meerut.”
Despite attempts, TOI could not elicit any response from Govil or his team.