In a post in Hindi on X, Pandey said, “Truth can be troubled, not defeated! “Jail ka Jawab Vote se’ is not just a campaign song of AAP but it is the essence of the sentiment going on in the minds of the common people of the country.That is why, in the end, truth prevailed and the election commission approved the use of the campaign song in the elections. Satyamev Jayate!”
Previously, on April 28, the party claimed that the election commission had “banned” their campaign song “Jail ka Jawab Vote se Denge“.
Sources in the office of the chief electoral officer in Delhi mentioned that the song was not prohibited. However, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) was requested to revise its proposal with specific changes, following the Advertising Codes outlined in the Cable Television Network Rules of 1994, and the guidelines/norms provided by the Election Commission in a letter dated August 24, 2023, for certification.
The song was initially released last month. The Delhi poll body had said certain phrases in the original song were “slanderous’ and contained “criticism of the ruling party on the basis of unverified facts’ while also casting aspersions on the judiciary and police.