NASA alert! Massive 540-ft asteroid 2014 TN17 speeding toward Earth at 77,282 KMPH – should we be concerned | – The Times of India

Asteroid 2014 TN17, a massive space boulder, is speeding towards Earth at a divine speed of 77,282 km/h. Approximately 540 feet (165 meters) wide, about twice the size of the Taj Mahal, the asteroid made headlines because of its enormity and potential danger. Designated as a potentially dangerous asteroid (PHA), 2014 TN17 will pass safely…

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Why Earth will have two moons from September 29 to November 25 | – Times of India

Starting next week, the moon, Earth’s closest celestial body, will be joined by a new neighbour: a second moon. From 29th September until 25th November, astronomers have calculated that 2024 PT5—an object scientists believe to be an asteroid but have dubbed a “mini-moon”—will be orbiting Earth. Eventually, it will break free from the planet’s gravitational…

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Small Asteroid strikes Earth, burns up in atmosphere: Here’s what happened – Times of India

A small asteroid, measuring 1 meter in size, burned up harmlessly in Earth’s atmosphere on Wednesday, according to the National aeronautics and space administration.According to NASA, the roughly 3-foot (1-meter) asteroid was detected by stargazers in Arizona and subsequently fragmented over the Philippine coastline, mere hours after its initial discovery.This celestial object, identified as 2024…

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