Merton’s Betrayal: How scientists became propagandists during Covid-19 | – The Times of India

The New York Times, that self-proclaimed guardian of truth, has once again had its Eureka! moment—this time, sheepishly admitting it was misled on the origins of Covid-19. Translation: it dutifully parroted claims from select members of the scientific establishment, dismissed dissenting voices as conspiracy theorists, and mocked anyone who dared ask questions. Now, years later,…

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Why YouTube has taken down music videos from Adele, Kanye West, Britney Spears, and other popular artists – Times of India

YouTube has abruptly removed music videos from numerous high-profile artists, including Adele, Kanye West, Britney Spears, Kendrick Lamar, Green Day and others due to an ongoing licensing dispute with the performing rights organisation SESAC. Users attempting to access these videos are now greeted with a message stating, “This video contains content from SESAC. It is…

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