Satellite India’s 1st private PSLV will launch TDS-1 to test 35 new technologies | India News – The Times of India

BENGALURU: India’s first privately manufactured Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV), being built by a consortium of HAL and L&T, will carry a technology demonstration satellite (TDS-1) that will test up to 35 new indigenous technologies.Isro chairman V Narayanan revealed this in an exclusive interview to TOI and said the launch, scheduled for the third quarter…

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India’s first home-grown electric propulsion satellite to be launched in Dec: Isro chief – Times of India

NEW DELHI: To make its satellites lighter in future, Isro is going to launch its first home-grown electric propulsion-led spacecraft in Dec, space agency chairman S Somanath announced while also specifying new deadlines for its upcoming key missions like Gaganyaan, Chandrayaan-4 and-5, and Indo-US NISAR satellite project.Delivering the Sardar Patel Memorial Lecture at Akashvani, Somanath…

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